DVI Group: Urban Quarter Development “Altonaer Höfe” in Erfurt enters the development plan procedure

8. October 2020

DVI Group (DVI), a portfolio holder of residential and office properties, can report an important step forward for the planned “Altonaer Höfe” quarter development in Erfurt. The Erfurt city council has initiated the procedure for a project-related development plan with the formal resolution to draw up the plan. On the Altonaer Strasse site, at the corner of Schlachthofstrasse in the Johannesvorstadt district, the conversion of a commercial area into a green, mixed-use quarter with residential, office and non-disturbing commercial uses is planned. The approximately 11,600 square metre site offers potential for around 100 flats, including around 20 percent social housing. The existing street-side buildings with commercial use are to be retained. An underground car park is also planned.

“With the development plan procedure, the city of Erfurt is pursuing the goal of converting the area on Schlachthofstrasse into a residential development with green open spaces. We welcome the DVI project because it creates new living space for broad sections of the population, which is also urgently needed in Erfurt,” says Tobias J. Knoblich, Erfurt’s deputy and head of the Department of Culture and Urban Development.

Karsten Kluge, Managing Director of DVI Group, comments: “With the Altonaer Höfe project development, we want to create modern living space for singles, couples, families and students in Erfurt’s sought-after location. By adding office and commercial space, we want to create a lively urban quarter that is attractive to a wide range of target groups. We are looking forward to continuing our successful cooperation with the city of Erfurt and the participation of the people of Erfurt”.

The development plan JOV734 “Altonaer Höfe” aims at various planning objectives. These include a three- to a maximum of five-storey residential development, which replaces the current single-storey commercial buildings in the inner district. In addition, the creation of green open spaces and a new pedestrian connection to the Hamburger Strasse to the south are planned. The planned 100 or so residential units, most of which will be 2-, 3- and 4-room flats, will be optionally supplemented by a small student hall of residence. According to the Erfurt building land model, a 20 percent share of social housing is planned. The early public participation required by the Building Code began in August with the public interpretation of the preliminary draft of the B-Plan.

The project area is located in the Johannesvorstadt district, which has been experiencing an increase in population for years. According to data provided by the City of Erfurt, the population grew by 12.9 percent between 2009 and 2019, which is well above the average for the city as a whole of 7.2 percent. The proximity to Erfurt University of Applied Sciences and the walking distance to Erfurt’s old town make Johannesvorstadt particularly interesting for young adults and people in the family start-up phase. In 2019, 61 percent of the inhabitants were under 45 years of age.

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